
Recipe for cooking traditional Jota soup

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Have you ever heard of Jota? Jota is a traditional Slovenian soup made with sauerkraut or pickled turnips. Especially for cold winter days it is a very popular dish in Slovenia. Although it is usually cooked with sausage or smoked meat, you can also cook it without and turn it into a vegetarian or vegan meal. We have prepared for you the whole Jota soup recipe below. It is super easy to cook and taste delicious.

What you need in your kitchen

For cooking the traditional Jota soup you just need a few things in your kitchen.

  • 2x cooking pots
  • Cutting board
  • A knife
  • A spoon

Jota soup ingredients

  • 1.5 l of water
  • 250g sauerkraut
  • 250g of turnips
  • 3x potatoes
  • 1x onion
  • 2x stork garlic
  • 2tsp of tomato extract
  • 2x bay leaves
  • Can or 200g of boiled beans
  • Salt, pepper, red pepper
  • Optional sausage or bacon

Jota soup Preparation

Let's get started. First cut the onions and garlic into into small cubes and simmer until soft. After that, add the sauerkraut and simmer for a few more minutes. Get a another put and boil the potatoes. Remember to peel and cut them into cubes before boiling. When the potatoes are cooked, add them together with the water to the container where the onions and cabbage were stewed. You can also mash the potatoes a little if they are too runny. Add beans and flavor your soup with pepper, salt, ground paprika, tomato extract, and bay leaves.

jota soup traditional slovenian recipe

If you want, you can add sausage to the soup. Make sure to cook the soup for another 20 minutes, so that the flavors combine nicely and the sausage is cooked. If necessary and desired, add more water.

Your soup is done. Enjoy and Bon Appetit.

Have you ever tried Jota soup? Tell us in the comments how you liked it and if the recipe was useful for you.

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